Good reasons to give someone a gift 'just because'

Don't wait for the holidays or a special occasion to give someone a gift. Here's a list of " JUST BECAUSE " reasons to drop off an unexpected gift.
According to several studies, the most popular reason to give someone a gift is to celebrate a birthday . Sinterklaas , Mother's Day , Father's Day and Valentine's Day
While celebrating these holidays and events is important, some of the most meaningful gifts I've ever received have been given to me for no good reason.
1 . When it's going to be a busy week
If you know a friend has a busy week ahead of them, bring a meal over or think of other time savings that can make the week a little more bearable.
Like frozen dinners for each other.
They'll be grateful for the unexpected dinner and appreciate not having to cook during that first, hectic week of school.
If you're not a cook, bring school lunch snacks, extra school supplies, or a nice salad for mom to eat all by herself after the kids are off on their first full day.
2 . There is no time to show love
Showing those you love how you feel about them shouldn't be limited to a particular date on the calendar.
Life is unpredictable and it's best to show those who mean the most to us how important they are in our lives.
So if you have a friend who has helped you through a personal struggle lately, show them some gratitude by giving them a unique gift.
3. Inexplicable joy
The joy and power of unexpected giving is unmatchable. Because let's face it, everyone expects a gift on their birthday, graduation, or wedding anniversary, but not everyone expects a gift on a quiet Monday night or a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Not only will your loved ones be delighted with unexpected gifts, but it will also brighten their day if they have a bad one.
4. When someone starts a new job
Whether you know a teenager starting her first real job or have a close friend making a career move, that first day of work can be a little daunting.
No matter how qualified you are, it's normal to be nervous and want to prove yourself early on.
Random acts of kindness can be the most exciting: leaving something thoughtful on a co-worker's desk, sending a book to a distant friend, showing up with flowers for no reason other than they were beautiful and you wanted to share that beauty with someone else. The return on these gestures is almost always greater than the effort put into them.
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