11 ways to make Valentine's Day special in 10 minutes or less

Valentine's Day is almost here! I actually love all holidays and festivities. I think every holiday is a nice break from the mundane and I like finding little ways to make a special day feel special.
Remember, vacations aren't just for kids! All of these are fun for adults too. Do them for your partner, roommate, colleagues... Everyone! Everyone can enjoy some festive fun.
11 ways to make Valentine's Day special in 10 minutes or less
1. Make heart-shaped pancakes
If you have a heart-shaped cookie cutter, just place it on your pan and pour in pancake batter. Allow the pancakes to cook completely before removing the cookie cutter and flipping them over. You can also put your batter in a spray bottle and, as an alternative method, draw the heart onto the hot pan.
2. Write nice notes for lunches
Take a few minutes to write a sweet note for your spouse, kids, friend, roommate... whoever! Put it in their lunch bag in the morning so they have a nice surprise later.
3. Wear all pink and red
Part of having a fun and festive Valentine's Day is just doing something on purpose to make it fun. Choose a pink or red outfit. Or go all out and wear all pink and red from head to toe!
4. Decorate
I stopped by the Action and they had cute Valentine's Day decor. I'm not saying you should go all out, but why not get a few things out there. Cut out some paper hearts or hang a garland. If you're feeling crafty, Pinterest has endless cute ideas.
5. Light candles for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner
I love the idea of a candlelit breakfast! It's dark in the morning as we get ready for work so it would be the perfect time to do it.
6. Decorate the dining table
It is so rare that we set the table nicely for a meal. Get out a nice tablecloth, light some candles and decorate the dining table a bit. A few garnishes can make a normal meal special, even if it's a frozen pizza.
7. Choose a romantic movie to watch
I know you can't watch a movie in 10 minutes, but you can pick one for later. I'm going to list some of my favorite chick flicks!!
- How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days “Our love fern — you killed it!”
- 10 Things I Hate About You — the part where he dances and sings in the stands... love it!
- Dirty Dancing “Nobody puts Baby in a corner…”
- Sweet Home Alabama
- She's All That
- Keyless
- 27 Dresses
- You've Got Mail — the sound of the internet connection is just hilarious now
Obviously I only like movies from the 90's and early 2000's...
8. Browse photos with your person
Do you know how many times we flip through our wedding album? Never. That's how often.
Valentine's Day is such a fun time to look through old photos with your partner, boyfriend or girlfriend and enjoy beautiful memories.
9. Get extra hip
Make Valentine's Day fun and special by spending an extra 10 minutes preparing. I could actually put on makeup and perfume.
10. Have a special snack
I know this is a chore, but I'm always looking for an excuse to eat donuts. Plan a special snack. Have donuts and hot chocolate or another treat.
11. Read about the history of Valentine's Day
I like to know the history behind holidays. Spend a few minutes reading about the history of Valentine's Day - no, it's not made by greeting cards. However, there are a few versions of its origin.
Celebrating holidays doesn't have to equate to big events. Any unusual treat can make the day fun and exciting.
With just 10 minutes you can make Valentine's Day more festive for yourself and the people around you.
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