It's his first time celebrating Father's Day, so you want it to be memorable. He might insist it's just a "Hallmark vacation," but let us assure you that your man wants to be recognized, appreciated, and admired on his big day.

Check out these ideas that are guaranteed to make him glow with pride.

1. Let him get some ZZZs

Being a new dad often means sleeping in on weekends. Chances are your husband works hard all week (just like you do!), and while he loves being a dad, he probably misses the days when he could lay in bed on a Sunday morning. So for Father's Day (Saturday too, if you're feeling super generous), let your man snooze for as long as he wants. We guarantee he'll come out looking adorable with the bed head and in the best mood he's shown in a long time.

2. Give the gift of time

As you well know, when you turned three, "me" time went out the window. He's probably still better at it than you, mom, but hey, it's his day. Take the baby to the store or for a walk, and let him spend a few hours uninterruptedly eating vegetables for the game and playing with his phone outside.

3. Make his favorite meal

It might contain three cheeses and a half pound of bacon, but on Father's Day the sweetest thing you can do is cook up the whole artery blockage and serve it with a smile. And absolutely no comments should be made about cholesterol or calories.

4. Let the baby "make" something for him

Spend some time making something for your man that can be "of" the baby. Search Pinterest for "Father's Day Crafts" and you'll be rewarded with a wealth of easy ideas, from the savory (a personalized and well-stocked cookie jar) to the sweet (a keychain with loving messages) to the fun (ties decorated with just about anything). Gifting it from the little one handily apologizes for any botched crafts you may have had along the way, ha!

5. Buy some matching father/baby t-shirts

Let him brag about his daddy pride all day long with a super cute slogan tee and matching baby onesie like this set from Amazon. Also available: "Super Dad/Super Baby", "Couch Potato/Tater Tot." "Big Kid/Little Kid" and "Sleep Depriver/Sleep Depriver."

6. Give him a nice gadget

The most important role of every father is to provide comic relief and pastimes that have no greater value than fun-loving fun. Help him fulfill these roles by gifting him a classic "boy toy," perhaps one of those remote-controlled helicopters from the mall kiosks, or a set of long-range squirt guns. After all, it's partly the kid at heart that makes him such a good dad.

7. Tell him he is appreciated

It can be difficult when you're busy caring for a baby to take the time to appreciate what your husband is doing for both of you. On his day, let him know how much you admire him and the great job he does as a father. Write it on a card to give it an extra boost of sincerity and stamina.

8. Go on a family adventure

Pack up your little one and head out for an activity of your choice. A family walk, hike, bike ride, a soccer game, a road trip to that nearby tourist trap he's always wanted to see: it doesn't matter what it is, as long as you do it together.

9. Plan a romantic date

He loves being a father, but he loves you even more. It's probably been a huge adjustment for him to lose all that pre-baby alone time with you (hanging out together while baby is sleeping just isn't the same). That makes date night a great, if somewhat tongue-in-cheek, Father's Day gift. Take him to his favorite restaurant and treat him with undivided attention, like you did before parenthood.

10. Take a moment

Whether you stick your baby's face on a mug or screen it on a phone case, taking a photo snapshot of his first Father's Day is a sweet, slightly sloppy way to recognize what a great daddy he's turning out to be. He might pretend he doesn't plan on displaying his "World's Greatest Dad" themed calendar in the office, but he absolutely will, and he will do so with pride.